Monday, October 29, 2012

Free Resources from Whitaker Writings

I have a number of free resources available on my main website,

Click HERE to find some free articles that might encourage you today.

Click HERE to listen to some sermons I've preached.

Click HERE to listen to a seminar I gave a couple of years ago, "Handling Hardship with Hope." On that page I have also included pdf files of the handouts I prepared for that workshop.

May these resources bless and encourage you today!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Truth and Lies - Lance Armstrong and the Bible

With the Lance Armstrong debate raging in the headlines, I shake my head in amazement at the web of lies. Frankly, I don't know who's lying or who's telling the truth. Either way, there is a huge series of lies on one side or there other: either Lance has lied consistently for years, or others have bound themselves together in a conspiracy of deceit to discredit him. We may never know for certain which is the lie and which is the truth.

In the midst of this, I take comfort in the fact that God never lies. He always speaks the Truth. His Word is Truth. We read this in many places in the Bible, including these verses:
* "God is not a man, that he should lie" (Numbers 23:19).
* "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth" (John 17:17).
* "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
In this world that is filled with deceit (this Armstrong case is only one of countless examples), I rest in the fundamental Truths of God's Word.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Christmas for the Family

I am happy to announce my new e-book: Christmas for the Family. 

I wrote this as a stage play five years ago, and now I've turned it into a short novel. I hope you like it!

You can see it on by clicking this link.

You can see it on Barnes & Noble by clicking this link.

If you don't have an e-reader, that's fine - you can read e-books from any computer using the Kindle or Nook apps that are free and easy to download.

Here's more about Christmas for the Family:
This Christmas Eve, Sarah is determined to make this a perfect holiday for her family. Despite her efforts, things quickly unravel. Sarah is challenged by her rebellious teenage daughter (Megan); her workaholic husband (Tom); and her college-aged son (Ryan), who announces he won't be coming home for Christmas. With her hopes for a perfect Christmas dashed, Sarah must face her perfectionism as well as her painful memories from the previous Christmas. 
Megan is filled with anger and bitterness toward everyone, including her younger sister (Katie). Megan eventually understands the source of her struggles and reaches a crucial decision point. Will she find the peace she desperately seeks? 
Based on the stage play, "Christmas for the Family," this novella explores honest challenges faced by today's families. Even more, readers are reminded about the things that are most important at Christmas.
I hope you like it. I welcome your comments and questions here.

I pray that the Lord will use this book to bless many people. It's all for His glory!