In partial contrast, I want to focus a moment on the positive side of fear. I'm not a psychologist, but as a pastor, a husband, a father, and a man who's lived with his own fears a long time, I have a few thoughts I'd like to suggest about why I embrace some of my fears.
My fears balance my impulsive tendencies. Fear of financial damage curbs the tendency toward impulsive spending. Fear of getting a ticket helps keep my driving under control. Fear of "getting caught" weakens the enticing power of many daily temptations.
I have a fear of letting people down. This leads me to fulfill my obligations, follow through with my promises, and persevere even when I don't feel like completing the task to which I have committed.
I have a fear of hurting my family. This leads me to guard my marriage and not let any other relationship surpass the relationships I have with my wife and my kids. This keeps me from pursuing any of a number of titillating explorations that would cause irreparable damage to my family.
I have a fear of emotionally scarring my children. This leads me to temper my moments of anger and measure my words carefully. This leads me to apologize when I've blown it, and to admit to them that I am not perfect, but I too am growing and learning.
I have a fear of portraying the Lord as anything other than Who He is. This leads me to carefully read the Scriptures and learn all He has revealed about Himself. This guides me to choose carefully the authors I read so I am constantly filling my mind with thoughts that are Scripturally accurate. This causes me to be very careful in how I speak of the Lord to others - to represent Him well. It's not that He needs good P.R., but I absolutely don't want to be guilty of causing anyone to think about Him incorrectly.
Fears can be a good thing. When we make peace with our fears, and see the good side of them, we can accept the good and God-honoring boundaries they provide, then move forward with confidence and joy.
If our fears turn to something dark, we go back to God, and remember many passages like Psalm 56:3-4: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. ...In God I trust; I shall not be afraid."